I can feel that the awareness about these professionals has increased. However, with different fee models being followed by them, Investors are still confused about whom to select.

Reluctance to pay fees has come down, in the past couple of years and investors are now realizing the importance of professional advisors. But, with different advisors charging differently the confusion has moved to “How much Charges?” And this question comes to those minds who understand that Low prices may not always be the best.

They want to understand, how much do SEBI Registered Investment Advisor charge and which fee model will suit their requirement. In addition, they also discuss the Investment philosophy and process being followed by the advisor. In short, Investors are also slowly getting mature.

The various fee models being adopted by SEBI Registered Investment Advisors are – Percentage on AUA (Assets Under Advice), Some charge Fixed fees with Limited advice, and some Full service under the fixed fee model. There are few financial advisors who also charge on an hourly basis. And many under corporate structure also offer distribution services where they earn commissions. All this further adds to the confusion.

This article is about these SEBI Registered Investment Advisor fee models and their Pros and Cons so you can select the best-suited one.

Let me start by saying that no single fee model is best. It’s what suits your requirement is best for you.

And also, it’s not advisable to search for the cheapest one. Since that may prove costly to you in the long run. This is specifically referring to the Online Platforms that provide Low cost or No cost financial planning services just to lure you to transact on their platform to have your data and cross-sell you. 

There are many distributors who make you invest in Regular plans and may offer you FREE Financial (Investments) Planning, so you need to be sure what exactly you are looking for and from whom. 

And remember, there are no Free Lunches in this Financial World.


Fee Models

As per SEBI Investment Advisor Regulations (Amendment 2020), Registered Advisors can opt for only two fee models. 

One is a fixed fee and the other is AUM/AUA-based variable fee. Also, the advisor cannot change the model before completing 1 year of advisory engagement. This means that if you have agreed on to the fixed fee model, you can’t be moved to the AUM-based fee within this 1 year.