My neighbor visited me yesterday. I asked him his philosophy of selecting the stocks and funds, and he explained to me all the valuation factors, expected potential, business understanding, fund managers track record, and other things (not pertaining to any business also).

So, what do you think…are you skilled or just lucky, to have gained so much of return? Can you say at this moment that you have learned the process of selecting “Good Stocks”? I questioned him. He was quite amazed at my question and replied very frankly that if he knew this, why would he be meeting me for his portfolio Review.

But that was him. It’s not easy for people to accept that their good fortune is due to luck.

In the last 10 months, I have spoken to many people who have “learned” the mantra to select Good “High Paying” investments. They have started following many PMS managers on Twitter, subscribed to some blogs sharing stock research, following Youtubers sharing investment tips, and with this, also have learned to speak the language of Economic times.

In all this, the one product that always bear the brunt and comes into comparison is the mutual fund.

With the transparency and easy availability of the data, along with many research software and websites, leave aside PMS houses, but even investors have started questioning the decision of the fund Managers.